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Travel Training

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Travel Training?

METRO has created a Travel Training program designed to teach residents of Summit County how to ride the fixed- route buses. It also can show you just how fun and easy it is to ride METRO. One of our main goals for travel training is to teach you the skills necessary to hop on our buses and get to work, school, doctor appointments, or anywhere else you may need to go.

Who can use travel training?

Anyone interested in learning more about how to ride METRO fixed-route buses can participate in Travel Training. We are here to help, whether you're new to public transit or you're a passenger looking to learn more about our services. We also have in person classroom, virtual and group trainings upon requested.

How does it work?

A mobility specialist will conduct a basic assessment to determine the options available for your travel needs. The training is customized to teach you the skills you need to ride. You may learn how to read bus schedules so you can plan your trip, understand how to transfer to different buses, and how to use bike racks, just to name a few tricks of the trade. Travel Training can last from one day, one week, or however long it takes for you to be comfortable using METRO’s fixed - route buses. Travel Training is based on your own schedule, so we will schedule appointments at your convenience. If necessary, we can set up a schedule reading class and website demonstration to get familiar with planning a trip.

What will travel training cost me?

Travel Training is free while training with a mobility specialist.

Where do I start?

It’s easy! Just give METRO a call at 330-762-0341. Ask to speak to a METRO mobility specialist and from there, your friendly mobility specialist will help you learn the skills you need to get up and go METRO! Or, fill out a Travel Training application below.

Travel Training Application


clickable image to pdf schedulesClick this icon for PDF versions of maps & schedules! 

 System Map All Bus Schedules Plan Your Trip Route Detours